ClassEdge Platinum by TataClassedge is a powerful product, tailormade with features such as integrated digital content, whiteboard, widgets and much more for the benefit of teachers and students.
Early Childhood Education is an expertly designed three-year pre-primary curriculum that enhances the natural curiosity of children.
CE Prime seamlessly integrates cutting-edge hardware, intuitive software, unrivalled service, and bespoke teacher training. It helps create magical teaching experience in your classroom.
Designed for grades 1-8, ‘Thinking About Values’ is based on the National Curriculum Framework. The solution includes a series of age-appropriate, visually rich textbooks and digital content, which will help young students make informed ethical decisions in real life contexts.
Interactive Flat Panel is a hybrid hardware offering by Tata ClassEdge that comes with multiple features such as inbuilt whiteboard software, wireless data transfer, wide viewing angle, multi touch writing gesture control and much more.
Long Throw Projector Setup is an energy efficient hardware that reduces power cost for schools and comes with finger touch enabled feature that helps teachers to smoothly teach on the whiteboard.
Short Throw Projector setup is an energy efficient hardware and comes with finger touch enabled feature that helps teachers to smoothly teach on the whiteboard.
Ultra-Short Throw Projector setup is best-in-class projector combining 3LCD & ultra-short-throw technologies with inbuilt capability in a projector to make whiteboard interactive and much more.
Tata ClassEdge ThinkEdge Labs aims at enabling schools towards creating an ecosystem to foster learning, creativity, and innovation in Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics which is aligned with CBSE Skill Subjects and NEP 2020.
ClassEdge Language Studio (English Language Lab) is a Language Learning Product deployed through Language Labs. Imparting AI assisted learning with easy to use mechanics, it uses cutting-edge technology & rich functional content.
Music Edge has integrated technology with music to bring the best to your school. It will fill your music classes with happiness and joy with Music Edge’s ‘In-School K-12’ program and innovative Music Lab Set Up.
ClassEdge Academy empowers teachers to bring out the passion in learning, new things, evoke interest in the subject, kindle the curiosity of the mind, provoke the adventurous spirit lying within, help the student build right relationships and much more.
We believe that our bond with the schools goes beyond hardware and consumables. How about adding a human touch to it? That’s where our Edge Trainers (ETs) come into picture. The Edge Trainers are our resource persons who will be in your school full-time.
Imagine the projector bulb goes off or the speakers refuse to work when you need them most. Such instances are rare. No need to worry. Be it about replacing a bulb or buying a new consumable, networking or simply a health check-up of the classroom hardware, please don’t hesitate to call us. We will be at your service.
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